Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Gardens...AGAIN?!

Yes, I love the Gardens.  I love the flowers, I love the scenery, and I love that it's always different when we go.  I snapped some impromptu pictures with a previous client and fell in love with them!


Hink/Egart Engagement Party

I had the privilege to photograph the Hink/Egart Engagement Party.  I really enjoyed all the detail that the hostess put into the party.  The little details allowed me to capture some really unique shots.  The bride and groom were wonderful to work with as well as all of the guests!  What a fun party to shoot and a wonderful couple to shoot for!  Thanks S & S!

White Mini-Session

These two lovely ladies are wonderful, and so are the pups! It was a beautiful spring day, and I was able to capture some great photos on their back porch.  It was so relaxed, and theses two never stopped smiling.  Thanks S & S!

Bryan Twins

I photographed this event for a family friend of ours.  Their sweet twins were celebrating their first birthday!  This family is amazing and we really enjoyed ourselves at the party.  I was able to capture some wonderful shots!